The Sex Education
You Deserve
Sex Education
Honest, compassionate and empowering human development education tailored to meet the needs of your specific setting and population. Sessions can be fully customized or selected from a menu.
Educator PD
For educators and institutions who are interested in developing the knowledge, skills and tools to provide your students and community with empowering and scientifically accurate sex education.
Individual or group coaching is available.
Parent Support
Talking with your children about their bodies and sexuality is one of the more daunting responsibilities of parenthood. With a bit of coaching and some effective tools, parents are empowered to support their children.
Adult Resources
To better understand your anatomy, sexual health and/or sexuality, for communication skills around consent and intimacy, for ‘the talk’ you wished you’d received as a child, and so much more…
An investment in your mind, body, heart and spirit starts here.
“Julia makes a traditionally overwhelming and uncomfortable topic feel totally approachable and comfortable - what a relief!”
— RD, Parent Participant